As long as I live so long will I learn - Sri Ramakrishna

SERC School on Topology and Condensed Matter Physics

Department of Physics
Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Educational and Research Institute
Belur Math, Howrah 711202
West Bengal, India

Nov 23 – Dec 12,  2015


Location:  Map      Google Map


The school will consist of pedagogical lectures on topology and its applications in various branches of condensed matter physics. The core courses will discuss current research topics.
The school will be at the level meant for research scholars and Post-docs in Condensed matter physics. Others interested in these topics are welcome to apply.       It is mandatory to attend the full school.
All selected nonlocal participants will be provided board and lodging, and train fare as per rule.
Main Courses:

    Introduction to Topology with examples from physics
Topology and Quantum mechanics
Topology and Statistical mechanics
Topology and Solid State Physics

In addition, there will be Recap Courses and Tutorials.

Online application
Deadline: 17th July 2015
(In case of any problem with submission, please contact )

Recommendation Letter (for Ph. D. Scholars) to be sent to

Deadline: 24th July 2015

List of Speakers
Introduction to Topology

Atreyee Bhattacharya (Dept. of Mathematics, RKMVU)

Dhiraj Kulkarni (Dept. of Mathematics, RKMVU)

Kingshook Biswas (Dept. of Mathematics, RKMVU)

Mahan Mj (Dept. of Mathematics, RKMVU)

Samik Basu (Dept. of Mathematics, RKMVU)

Soma Maity(Dept. of Mathematics, RKMVU)

Somnath Basu (Dept. of Mathematics, RKMVU)

Examples from physics / Tutorials:

Siddhartha Sen (Trinity College, Dublin)

Somendra Mohan Bhattacharjee (Dept. of Physics, RKMVU/IOP)

Crash course on Group theory

Bobby Ezhuthachan (Dept. of Physics, RKMVU)

(i) Introduction to Qunatum Hall Effect and Topological Insulators.
(ii) Dirac, Weyl and Majorana Fermions
(iii) Graphene and Topological Insulators

Krishnendu Sengupta (IACS, Kolkata)

Quantum Geometry and Topology

R. Shankar (IMSC, Chennai)

Abelian and non-abelian anyons

Sumathi Rao (HRI, Allahabad)

(i) Geometry in random walks (background material)
(ii) Probabilistic topology of entangled paths

Sergei Nechaev (LPTMS,Paris)

Braid group, vertex models and knot invariants

P. Ramadevi (IIT Mumbai)

Topology, geometry and quantum interference in condensed matter physics

Alexander Abanov (Stony Brook, USA)

Topological Quantum Computation

Jiannis Pachos (Leeds, UK)


Ashoke Sen (HRI, Allahabad)


Somen Bhattacharjee, RKMVU,   web: (on leave from Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar)

Mahan Mj., RKMVU;    web:

Abhijit Bandyopadhyay, RKMVU;    web:


The school is funded by SERB-DST, New Delhi