As long as I live so long will I learn - Sri Ramakrishna

Admission to MSc Physics Programme 2017

24 April 2017

Admission to MSc Physics Programme 2017

The following is the first list of candidates selected meritwise for admission to the M. Sc. Programme in Physics 2017 on the basis of their performance  in B. Sc. (Honours) as well as in the admission test conducted by RKMVERI.

The candidates are asked to appear for a counseling session on any one of the following days:

19 June 2017, 20 June 2017 between 12 PM and 4 PM at the Belur main campus of RKMVERI.

The candidates may take admission immediately after counseling, but not later than 23 June, 2017. For admission, the candidates should contact RKMVERI office during office hours (11am to 4pm) along with all educational documents (marksheets, certificates etc.) since madhyamik level. Candidates seeking hostel admission must come with their parents/guardians.




1. Bireshwar Roy
2. Samudra Sur
3. Somsubhra Ghosh
4. Pabitra Ray
5. Nabendu Kumar Khan
6. Ajoy Bhattacharjee
7. Sayan Saha
8. Ritwick Sarkar
9. Pritam Das
10. Jeet Majumdar
11. Dibyendu Samanta
12. Prithwijit Mandal
13. Biswajit Das
14. Roni Dey
15. Koustav Pal
16. Jyotirmay Maity
17. Tathagata Roy
18. Sagar Hazra
19. Jagannath Das
20. Tridip Kundu
21. Sourav Mondal
22. Sourav Gope
23. Debashish Mondal
24. Bishal Kumar Das
25. Soumen Kumar Manna

Meritwise waiting list

The following students have been kept in the waiting list. Counselling-cum-admission of following students will commence from 12 noon on 21st June 2017.

WL 1.Sandip Guchhait
WL 2. Shuvadip Dutta
WL 3. Subham Koley
WL 4. Mridul Kanti Bera
WL 5. Sayantan Dinda
WL 6. Saikat Mandal
WL 7. Krishnendu Patra
WL 8. Prottay Das
WL 9. Ashutosh Palai
WL 10. Atanu Roychowdhury
WL 11. Ranit Bose
WL 12. Dipak Maity
WL 13. Susovan Giri
WL 14. Sukanya Pal
WL 15. Amlan Chakraborty

Fee Structure

Admission-cum-Registration Fee (one time): Rs. 5000/-
Tuition Fee: Rs. 6000/- per semester
Laboratory Fee: Rs. 3000/- per semester; Examination Fee: Rs. 1000/- per semester
Identity Card: Rs. 50/-
Caution Deposit (refundable on completion of the course after deduction for damages, etc, if any): Rs. 2000/-

Fees payable at the time of admission: Rs. (5000+6000+3000+1000+50+2000) = Rs. 17050/-

Fees payable during each subsequent semester (2nd, 3rd, and 4th): Rs. (6000+3000+1000) = Rs. 10000/-

Scholarships are available to meritorious students who are economically backward and find it difficult to pay the fees mentioned herein on production of documentary proof of their economic condition. Such students if selected for admission may approach RKMVERI authorities to avail of scholarship benefits.


24 January 2017

Admission to MSc Physics Programme 2017


Students who will be completing B.Sc. with Honours/Major in Physics during the current academic year or who have completed such courses during the previous year, with at least 60% marks in the Honours/Major Subject (taking into consideration the marks obtained in the examinations conducted so far), from any university approved by the University Grants Commission (UGC) are eligible to apply. SC/ST candidates will enjoy 5% concession in the minimum eligibility of marks.

Entrance Examination

The entrance examination will be held at the main campus of the Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Educational and Research Institute at Belur Math, Howrah 711202, West Bengal. Candidates will be examined in the following subjects in Physics: classical mechanics, quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, thermodynamics, special relativity,  mathematical methods, electrodynamics, optics and electronics.

The pattern of questions: short-type questions and/or simple problems to test conceptual understanding.

Download some model/sample questions to have a feel of what the admission test question paper would be like.

List of candidates selected for the M.Sc. programme in Physics will be put up on the website: usually in a month from the date of admission test. Candidates may look up the website accordingly.

Venue :

Belur Main Campus (just at the entrance of Belur Math)
Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Educational and Research Institute
Belur Math, Howrah 711202, West Bengal
How to reach the Belur Campus 

Date and Time :
18 March 2017 (Saturday)
2:00 pm – 5:00 pm (3 hours)

Students from outside West Bengal desiring to appear for the written admission test in venues near their place of residence may send a separate request by email to: . Arrangements will be made as far as practicable to conduct the exams in the Centres of Ramakrishna Mission nearest to their place.

Issue of Application Forms

Application forms can be collected free of charge from RKMVERI office at Belur Main Campus in person from 27 January 2017 to 11 March 2017 during the office hours (from 10 am to 5 pm).

Application form and Admit Card are also available online for download from RKMVERI website.

Download Application form

Download Admit card

Photocopies of this form or copies of forms downloaded from RKMVERI website are acceptable.

The Admit Card with the self attested photograph must be retained by the candidate and should be produced at the time of the entrance examination. DO NOT send/submit the admit card with the application form.

Submission of Application Forms

Application forms completed in all respects should be submitted on or before 11 March 2017 (Saturday) either in person at RKMVERI Office in Belur Main Campus (office hours: 10 am to 5 pm) or sent by post to the address given below.

At the time of submission of completed applications, a fee of Rs.300/-should be paid in cash if the submission is in person. If sent by post, the application should be accompanied by a Demand Draft for Rs.300/- drawn in favour of ‘Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda University’ payable at Belur Math, Howrah, preferably at UBI or SBI. Please write on the top of the envelope containing the application form: M.Sc. Physics Admission 2017.

Address to which applications should be sent:

Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Educational and Research Institute
Belur Math, Howrah 711202
West Bengal
Please write on the envelope: MSc Physics Admission Form.

The application form should reach us on or before 5 March 2016.

 Fees Structure

Admission-cum-Registration Fee (one time): Rs. 5000/-
Tuition Fee: Rs. 6000/- per semester
Laboratory Fee: Rs. 3000/- per semester; Examination Fee: Rs. 1000/- per semester
Identity Card: Rs. 50/-
Caution Deposit (refundable on completion of the course after deduction for damages, etc, if any): Rs. 2000/-

Fees payable at the time of admission: Rs. (5000+6000+3000+1000+50+2000) = Rs. 17050/-

Fees payable during each subsequent semester (2nd, 3rd, and 4th): Rs. (6000+3000+1000) = Rs. 10000/-

Scholarships are available to poor and meritorious students who are economically backward and who find it difficult to pay the fees mentioned herein, on production of documentary proof of their economic condition. Such students, if selected for admission, may approach RKMVERI authorities to avail of scholarship benefits.


M.Sc. Course Content

M.Sc. Physics is a 4-semester course, each semester consisting of nearly 20 weeks. The academic year, split into 2 semesters, spans July to June with semester breaks. The course is conducted at the Belur Main Campus which enjoys the privilege of the serene atmosphere of Belur Math, ideally suited for academic activity. The courses taught are as follows:

  • Classical Mechanics
  • Quantum Mechanics
  • Quantum Computation
  • Atomic and Molecular Physics
  • Equilibrium and Non-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics
  • Mathematical Tools in Theoretical Physics
  • Classical Theory of Fields: Electromagnetism and General Relativity
  • Quantum Theory of Fields
  • Condensed Matter Physics
  • Nuclear and Particle Physics
  • Computer fundamentals and Computational Physics
  • General Physics Laboratory
  • Design and Fabrication Laboratory

        Special Papers

  • Cosmology
  • Advanced Condensed Matter Physics
  • Advanced Quantum Field Theory
  • Quantum Optics
  • Particle Physics
  • Nuclear Physics
  • Conformal Field Theory

Hostel Facilities

A limited number of hostel facilities are available to students who are serious and willing to abide by hostel discipline. A rather rigorous procedure shall be followed for selection of students with the involvement of the parents in the process for better coordination.

 Some General Instructions to the prospective student

  1. Attendance in all classes, both practical and theoretical, is compulsory. While we expect you to have 100% attendance, in the case of illness or any other unavoidable circumstances, you must inform the Departmental Head, Prof Debashis Gangopadhyay and/or the students’ counsellor Dr Abhijit Bandyopadhyay and obtain permission. For hostellers, minimum attendance of 85% is compulsory, while for day scholars, a minimum of 75% attendance is compulsory.
  2. Apart from regular classes every day, assignments and problem sheets will be a regular feature. You will have to complete these assignments in time and submit them to the teachers concerned.
  3. If you are absent for classes during the first three days of start of classes without permission, then your admission will be cancelled.
  4. If anyone leaves within a month of start of classes, the following amount is refundable: 50% of (tuition fee + laboratory fee + examination fee). If you leave after one month, only caution deposit will be refunded.
  5. Classes on value education based on Swami Vivekananda’s teaching (one hour in a week) will be compulsory for all students in order to inspire them with higher ideals and acquirement of human values including concern for the marginalized and the downtrodden as well as feeling for our country’s rejuvenation and uplift.
  6. Regular periodical unit tests and examinations will keep you intensely busy. Remember that large portions of the syllabus need to be completed within a short time. Form the habit of regular self-study several hours in a day.
  7. Remember that you are entering the portals of a University and into a postgraduate course. There will be no one to spoon-feed you. You should form the habit of studying books on your own and bring to the notice of the teachers the problems you might face.
  8. We would expect you to come decently dressed that would display your seriousness of intent. Casual dress that one uses for non-serious purposes is not allowed. We do expect you to honour the above instruction on the dress code and attend the classes only in a serious dress.
  9. Misuse of laptop computers and mobile phones hampers the seriousness of study. So beware of this ubiquitous danger.
  10. Smoking inside the campus and in the hostel is strictly forbidden by law. Please do not compel us to enforce punitive measures for violation in this regard.
  11. You shall have to sign an undertaking to state that you shall rigorously follow all the rules and regulations in letter and spirit. This undertaking shall be countersigned by your parent/guardian.
