As long as I live so long will I learn - Sri Ramakrishna

Blog Post

Seminar on ‘Recent developments in flat space holography’ by Prof. Shamik Banerjee (NISER, Bhubaneswar)

Seminar-Workshop: Seminar on ‘Recent developments in flat space holography’ by Prof. Shamik Banerjee (NISER, Bhubaneswar)
Type: Seminar-Workshop – Seminar
Event Date: 27 Jun 2024
Venue: PB-MS-102
Campus: Belur Campus
Department: Physics
In this talk I will discuss recent developments in flat space holography.  The focus will be on Celestial Holography and its relation to other more recent proposals for studying flat space holography. 
Activity Coordinator(s)
Faculty/Staff Name Details
Sanjoy Biswas (Primary Coordinator) Physics – Belur Campus
Participant Information
RKMVERI Faculty & Staff 9 (Male: 8, Female: 1)
RKMVERI Students 41 (Male: 33, Female: 8)

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